P Cubed

by Friar Thomas Bacon (David Moreno)

It was a damp and dreary day when I set out for the manor of Ld. Magnus O'Carr. Though I had passed by it on numerous occasions, I had never set foot on the grounds and was uncertain where the hall lay. So it was with much relief when I spotted the beckoning candles though an open doorway.

I was the first of the evening's guest to arrive, so I discoursed with my hosts about my travels, the weather, and other such banalities of such talk while we awaited the arrival of the other guests. Soon others arrived: Lord Leonardo il Calamaro and his wife Her Ladyship Marie Chantel Delaire and the Lady Kasimira Verena d'Arcy.

As we waited to see if others had successfully traversed the treacherous roads a catastrophe nearly befelled the night's feast. It seems that the potter who made the oil lamps had forgotten to seal them against the oil. So it came to pass that one set had become so soaked with oil that it caught aflame. Fortunately this was spotted just as the conflagration began and the set was quickly hustled outside, and so did not damage.

After order had been restored, the call to table was issued. I can not begin to name all the food that was set before us but only that it was pleasing to the palate and that it was prepared from the recipes of a Greek cook of some renown. And that I had to do penance for the meal as they served meat and it being Lent, and I did not wish to insult my host by refusing his food.

Part way though the meal new guests arrived: Sir Baron Gabriel ap Morgan ap Hywel and his wife Baroness Rhianwen ferch Bran ap Gruffydd. Their lateness was due to their scribe who had not read to Her Excellency the whole of the missive that was sent to request their presence. So they had traveled to the wrong manor and discovered their mistake only upon arriving there. Fortunately they had brought the missive with and so were able to ascertain the true location of the feast. I am sure now that the scribe is commiserating with the potter, may the Lord have mercy on them.

With a little prompting from our host each of us told a little something of ourselves. I told of my travels for my soul while Lord Leonardo told of his travels for his health. Her Ladyship Marie and Lady Kasimira told similar stories of missing brothers and uncertain inheritance. While Sir Gabriel and Baroness Rhianwen told of the harshness of life in uncivilized Wales. There was much discussion of baths in this regard.

We then each offered up a bit of entertainment. Lady Kasimira recited a pair of her poems. Our host told a tale of his national hero Cuchulain. And I recounted the battle of Stamford Bridge, rather badly I'm afraid.

After some more idle talk (ask Sir Gabriel about clipped men and how they are unique), it came time for us to leave, each to our various abodes. The evening proved to anything but dreary.


Copyright © 1997 - present His Lordship Friar Thomas Bacon (David Moreno). All rights reserved.

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