Be True to Your Shire

Words: Amleth MacAuleth
Tune: Be True to Your School
Source: Standing Song Stone Book

When some loud fighter tries to put me down
I take my sword and helm
And tell him right away
What's the matter m'lord, ain't you heard of my shire?
It's number one in the realm.

So be true to your shire
Just like you would to your lady, lords,
Be true to your shire, now
Go get your shields and swords
Be true to your shire.

I got a twisted cord with a grant of arms
I got from Peers of the realm
I proudly wear it now
When I travel off to other tournaments now
They know where I am from.

So be true to your shire
Just like you would to your lady, lords,
Be true to your shire, now
Go get your shields and swords
Be true to your shire.

Next weekend we'll be going to the Pennsic Wars
And I'll be ready to fight
We're gonna kill 'em now
My lady will be working on a cloak and gown
We're gonna revel tonight.

So be true to your shire
Just like you would to your lady, lords,
Be true to your shire, now
Go get your shields and swords
Be true to your shire.

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