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Katriana's Songbook

Calontir Songs

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

A    back to top

Agincourt by Ken and Lisa Theriot music
A Grazing Mace music
Another Tournament Fight by Conn MacNeill music
Argent's Song by Andrixos music
Arise Calontir! by Hrolf Ulfsson music
As One by Dolan Madoc of Harlech music
Awake Calontir by Andrixos music

B    back to top

Band of Brothers by Ken and Lisa Theriot music
Bardic Wassail by Tali Essen of the Isles and Bard Mel music
Bare is the Brotherless Back (The Interkingdom Song) by Aeruin ni hEarain o'Chonemaramusic
Barred From the Tavern by János Katona music
Battle of Maldon by Roslinde Jehanne music
Benevento by Hyrim de Guillon music
Big Jugs by Duncan Faramach MacLeod music
Blacksmith of Brandywine by Pat and Victoria Garvey music (now with the story!)
Brom's Reign by Brom Blackhand music
Burden of the Crown by Baldwin of Erebor music
By the Weight of the Chain by Aneleda Falconbridge music

C    back to top

Call For The Bards by Siobhán an Einigh music
Calon Shield Wall by Helena Panier & Maeve music
Calontir by Maegril Elentur Amono music
Calontir At War by Jon Chesey music
Calontir Be Glad by Nicholas of Alkborough music
Calontir Stands Alone by Brom Blackhand music
Catalan Vengeance by Moses ben Eldad music
Causes of Rebellion by Astra of the Grey Shadows music
Cheer by Fernando and Lyriel music
Chivalry by Morgana bro Morganwyg music
Cold Iron by Rudyard Kipling music
The Compact Between Horse and Man by Dorcas Whitecap music
Conn's Song (The Moon Shines Bright/O'Brien's Lament) by Conn MacNeill music
Cormac's Mace music
Cruiskeen Lawn music
Crusader's Song by Conn MacNeill music
Cursing The Normans by Hyrim de Guillon music

D    back to top

Dane Geld by Rudyard Kipling, music by Moonwulf music
Death, Doom, and Gloom (This Song is From Calontir) by Cerian Cantwr music
Dice Game of the Two Olafs by Debra Doyle music
Dirge for the Calontir Falcons by Gabbai Da'ud ibn Ibrahim al-Sisari, called Dawi music
Dream of Calontir by Koshka music
Drink From the Cup by Marcus de la Forest music
Drink Me a Drink by Conn MacNeill music
Drums in My Heart by Nasir Al-Tawil music
Drums of War by Adalyde Heloyz la Cantora (Adelaide MacGillivray) music
Dun Cow (MacIntyre) music

E    back to top

F    back to top

Faerie Fires by Veleda of Isenfir music
Faith's Lesson Learned by Conn MacNeill music
The Falcon Flies Home by Jóhann Steinarsson music
Falcon's Heart by Konstantia Kaloethina music
The Falcon Throne by Jóhann Steinarsson music
Farewell Thee Mary Rose by Alexander Johann Stilz music
Fighter Card Song by Marcus de la Forest music
Fighter's Alphabet by Erich music
Flowers by Dolan Madoc of Harlech music
For Crown and For Kingdom by Conn MacNeill music
For Her by Andrew of Lyon of Wolvenwood music
For Lycurgus by Andrixos music
Fruit of the Yew by James Treebull the Stubborn (Jim Pipkin) music
Fyrd Song by Andrixos music
Fyrdmen on Campaign by Marcus de la Forest music
Fyrdraca's Lullaby by Selene of Lesbos music

G    back to top

The Gate We Couldn't Hold (Phaedra's Gate) by Andrixos music
Glenwhorple music
Glories of War by Eleanor of Ashley (Karla Hood) music
Gratias Aquariabus (Thank you waterbearers) by Andrixos music
Greyhound Bound for Pennsic by Koshka music
Guinevere's Song by Elaisse de Garrigues music

H    back to top

Hail the Striking Falcon by Dwolm Rede music
Hamster Song (Fighting Hamsters) music
Hail to the Falcon by Mkty Nakhthor music
Hardrada's Last Stand by Jóhann Steinarsson music
Harold the Herald by Ulf Gunnarson music
Harp Song of the Dane Women by Rudyard Kipling music
Heart of the Heartland by Andrixos music
Heartland's Children by Jóhann Steinarsson music
Hellspawn by Andrew of Lyon of Wolvenwood music
The Helmsman by Mikal Hrafspa (Mikal the Ram) music
Heraldicism, Blarney by Dorcas Whitecap music
Hero's Blues by Hyrim de Guillon music
Hind Horn Traditional music
Hit 'em Again by Marcus de la Forest music
Hotspur by Andrew of Lyon of Wolvenwood music
Hus Song by Hywela Frech ferch Wyddel music
Hymn for the Founders by Andrixos music
Hymn for the Soup Kitchen by Andrixos music

I    back to top

I Have Fought by János Katona music
I'm For Estrella War Flying by Fernando, Lyriel, Maegrim, Mihangal music
I Pledge Now My Blade by Steffen Albert Rheinbauer music
I Will Mourn My King by Andrew of Lyon of Wolvenwood music
I Will Mourn My Gear by Angus of Blackmoor music
In Praise of New Knighthood by Bryce de Byram music
In the Name of Our King by Steffen Albert Rheinbauer music

J    back to top

Joan by Heather Dale (SCA: Mistress Marian of Heatherdale) music
Johnny (Johnny Scot) music

K    back to top

Knight's Leap; a Legend of Altenahr by Charles Kingsley music

L    back to top

Lady In Blue by Adalyde Heloyz la Cantora (Adelaide MacGillivray) music
Lady of the Rose by Elaisse de Garrigues music
Lady Rose by Adalyde Heloyz la Cantora (Adelaide MacGillivray) music
Lament of a Novice music
Lemmings by by Hyrim de Guillon music
Leaving Song by Andrixos music
Legacy's Gift by Andrixos music
Liegeman by Valdemar Ironfist music
Lifeblood-A Viking Drinking Song by Wyndreth Berginsdottir music
Lift Up Your Shield by Mathurin Kerbusso music
Lightning Fast Sword by Rhianwen ferch Bran ap Gruffydd and Gabriel ap Morgan ap Hywel music
Local SCA by Morgana bro Morganwyg music
Loki's Song by Mikal Hrafspa (Mikal the Ram) music
Loosed From the Glove by János Katona music

M    back to top

Man in the Moon music
Man o'War (Hal's Song) by Marcus de la Forest music
Man Who Never Returned (Lord Charlie)music
Marshall by Cariadoc and Fernando music
Men of Calonmusic
Men of the Northlands by Valdemar Ironfist music
Minstrel Boy by Jerry Barry and Ty Billings music
More by Dolan Madoc of Harlech music
The Mother by by Tali Essen of the Isles music
The Mud by Duncan Faramach MacLeod music
The Muddy Red Brand by Aed of Avigdor and Brendan O Corraidhe music
My Thing is My Own music

N    back to top

Navy of Calontir by Wolfgang music
Nine Foot Spear by Ren Jie music
Non Nobis Movie Version and one by Byrd music
None But Calontir-O music

O    back to top

One Thing Led to Another by Rohais de Ravenscroft music
Oro! See the Falcon Flying by Fernando music
Over the Sea by Elina in Harraudha (Elin Redlock) music

P    back to top

Pavel Holler by Soubrianne music
Pavel's Song by Conn MacNeill music
Pict Song by Rudyard Kipling music
Presence by Dolan Madoc of Harlech music

Q    back to top

Quest by Rudyard Kipling music

R    back to top

Raven Banner by Malkin Gray (Debra Doyle) and Peregrynne Windrider (Melissa Williamson) music
The Reapermen (A Simple Farming Song) by Andrixos music
Reign For All Time by Dolan Madoc of Harlech music
Requiem for a Huscarl by Andrixos music
Rise by Hyrim de Guillon music
Rite of Passage by Conn MacNeill music
The Road by Gerald Goodwine music
Road To Rome by Iain Germundson music
Roland by Roslinde Jehanne music
Rolling Back to Old Caid by Andrew Ward music
Rolling to Jerusalem by Brom Blackhand music
Roses of Prince Charlie by Ronnie Browne music
Run Lady Run by Emil Allzuwissender (Ernest Clark) music
Runnymede by Rudyard Kipling and Elina in Harraudha (Elin Redlock) music

S    back to top

Sack of the Gods by Rudyard Kipling music
Saint Brendan's Fair Isle by Jimmie Driftwood music
Scotsman by Mike Cross music
Scribe's Song by Vǫlu-Ingibiǫrg music
Scutum by 'Abd al-Hakim ibn 'abd al-Rahman Shaddad al-Tomuki (Tomeeki) music
Second Cross by Conn MacNeill music
Shoulder to Shoulder (Cherish/Shield Brother,Spear Sister) by Séaghdha mac Roibeaird (Shay) music
Silver Swords and Golden Axes by Bren Malokai music
Sing Calontir by Hyrim de Guillon music
Sixteen Knights by Jason of Westershire music
Soldier's Daughter by Cassandra Peverell music
Soldier's Song by Dahrien Cordell music
Song of the Calon Huscarl by Angus of Blackmoor music
Song of Roland by Angus of Blackmoor music
Song of the Red War Boat by Rudyard Kipling music
Song of the Shield Wall by Malkin Gray (Debra Doyle) and Peregrynne Windrider (Melissa Williamson) music
Song of the Shieldwall translated for mundanes by Jenna of Southwind music
Song of the Vanguard (Shoulder to shoulder we hew our way out) by Conn MacNeill music
Sons of Calontir by Jóhann Steinarsson music
Sons of the Dragon by Garraed Galbraith music
Steel-Shod Dance by Andrew of Lyon of Wolvenwood music
Strike the Drum by Mathurin Kerbusso (Rex Deaver) music
Strongest and Best by Andrixos music
Swan Road by Mikal Hrafspa (Mikal the Ram) music
The Sword From The Stone by Dorcas Whitecap music

T    back to top

Thor's Son by Robert E. Howard music
Thousand Leagues by Séaghdha mac Roibeaird (Shay) music
Thrice Joyous by Andrixos music
A Toast to the Night by Dorcas Whitecap music
Tonight by Adalyde Heloyz la Cantora (Adelaide MacGillivray) music
Trim by Helena Panier & Maeve music
True Love Never Yields by János Katona music

U    back to top

Undefeated by Lucia Elena Braganza music
Under the Shield Wall by Chidiock the Younger and Andrixos music
Unicorn Song by Moonwulf music

V    back to top

Valkyrie's Lullaby by Lasair inghen ui h'Airt music
Varangian Song by Malkin Gray (Debra Doyle) and Peregrynne Windrider (Melissa Williamson) music
Varangian Recruiters' Song by Bertram of Bearington music
The Veil by Garraed Galbraith music
The Vow by János Katona music

W    back to top

Wagons Roll to War (Song of the Wain) by Master Garraed Galbraith Adapted by Simonetta music
War-Song by Fernando music
The War That Never Happened by Andrixos music
The Warrior's Peace by Vortemir Fire-tender music
Warrior's Wyrd words by Ivar Battleskald, music by Linda Stassen-Benjamin music
We Are Calontir by Elaisse de Garrigues music
We be Soldiers Three music
What Do They See by Vortemir Fire-tender music
When They Reopen All the Wars by Gabbai Da'ud ibn Ibrahim al-Sisari, called Dawi music
Why Paddy's Not at Work Today by Pat Cooksey music
With the King of Calontir by Fernando Rodriguez de Falcon music
Worms of the Earth by Volodomir Kambionets (Bob Esty) music

X    back to top

Y    back to top

Yoshi by unknown music
Young Lochinvar by Sir Walter Scott music
You've Lost All Sense of Feeling music

Z    back to top

This page is mostly songs that are currently sung, or that I carry around. When I know the author or composer, they are listed. If you can add information, please email me. I have tried not to put songs on here that I know the authors don't want distributed in this way. Again, if I've messed up on some, LET ME KNOW!

I moved the rest of the notes to a seperate page since they were starting to annoy me. If you want/need to read the notes on what I am trying to do, what the file types are, why the MIDI files are so bad, follow this link Ramblings and notes

Other pages

Songbooks I have
Calontir Teaching CDs (not associated with this site, other than sharing songs)
Composers pages
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Kansas Songs
Kingdom of Calontir
Society for Creative Anachronism
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